The log roll test is used to assess the integrity of the hip joint and is used to help identify potential hip pathology such as labral tears, ligament laxity, or impingement.
How to Perform Log Roll Test
Position of Patient: To perform the log roll test, the patient should be positioned in supine with the leg in neutral rotation.
Performance: The examiner should passively move the patient’s leg through the maximal available range of internal and external rotation.
How to Interpret Log Roll Test
Positive Finding: The test is considered positive if a popping or clicking sensation is noted which may suggest a labral tear or if there is excessive range of motion compared to the opposite side, which may suggest ligamentous or capsular laxity.
Test Accuracy / Reliability / Evidence:
κ = .61 (.41, .81)
Source: The Interrater Reliability Of 4 Clinical Tests Used To Assess Individuals With Musculoskeletal Hip Pain Robroy Martin-Jon Sekiya – Journal Of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy – 2008