Utah Physical Therapy Continuing Education Requirements

Utah physical therapy continuing education requirements

As a Physical Therapist in Utah, you must complete 40 continuing education hours every two years by May 31st in odd-numbered years. Physical Therapy Assistants must complete 20 CE hours. At least two of your continuing education hours must be directly related to Ethics. Keep reading for more CEU specifics, deadlines, and fees—everything you need to know about Utah Physical Therapy continuing education.

At a glance:

Utah – 40 PT or 20PTA CEU hours every 2 years by May 31st in odd years.

Utah Physical Therapy CEU Requirements

From the Utah Physical Therapy Practice Act Website:

During each two year renewal cycle commencing on June 1 of each odd numbered year:

  1. A physical therapist shall be required to complete not fewer than 40 contact hours of continuing education of which a minimum of two contact hours must be completed in ethics/law.
  2. A physical therapist assistant shall be required to complete not fewer than 20 contact hours of continuing education of which a minimum of two contact hours must be completed in ethics/law.”

The Utah Physical Therapy Licensing Board recognizes continuing education activity in four different categories:

Category 1: a fellowship, residency, specialty certification, degree awarding education program, or in-person attendance at a live educational program event in which participants can interact with the presenter in real time. Worth 2 CEUs per contact hour (50 minutes participation).

Category 2: in-person attendance at live educational coursework or a live education program in a school setting, an electronic course with assessment, volunteer service, clinical instructor supervision, or teaching a physical therapy education course. Worth 1.5 CEUs per contact hour.

Category 3: electronic physical therapy educational coursework without assessment or examination, in-service presentations, self-study, journal clubs, or ethics or law coursework. Worth 1 CEU per contact hour.

Category 4: licensed practice by a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, up to 500 hours total. Worth 1 CEU per 50 practice hours.

What CEU Courses are Allowed in Utah?

Continuing education content must be relevant to the practice of physical therapy. Further, courses or activities must be issued by one of the following:

  • a recognized accredited college or university;
  • a state or federal agency;
  • a professional association, organization, or facility involved in the practice of physical therapy; or
  • a commercial continuing education provider providing a course related to the practice of physical therapy.

If you’re unsure whether a course or activity qualifies for continuing education, contact the Board.

Can I Use MedBridge in Utah?

MedBridge Promo Code

Yes, you can use an online CEU company like MedBridge Education to complete required CEUs for your Utah Physical Therapy continuing education. A quick check on the MedBridge website shows hundreds of approved courses for Utah PTs looking to renew their license.

The Medbridge library of courses includes several that meet Utah’s ethics requirement. For instance, “Ethics in Physical Therapy” by Sheila Nicholson is worth 2 hours of continuing education. 

Whether you’re a PT or a PTA, you can find plenty of eligible courses on MedBridge. Use the MedBridge promo code PTProgress to save on unlimited CEUs.

Do I need to submit proof of my completed CEUs?

Every approved CEU provider, including MedBridge, will give you a certificate of completion when you finish a CEU course or activity. The Utah Physical Therapy Licensing Board does not require that you submit this document or any other proof of your CEU completion with your license renewal. 

Instead, you will simply report the CEU information on your application and retain the records for 3 years after your license renewal period ends. Be sure to store these documents safely in case you are selected by the board for a continuing competency audit.

May I carry over any completed CEUs?

Yes, you may. The Utah PT Licensing Board does allow excess CEUs to be carried over to a future renewal period. The limit is 10 CEUs for PTs per renewal period, and 5 CEUs for PTAs.

How much is the renewal fee?

It costs $47 to renew a Utah PT or PTA license.

When does my Utah Physical Therapy license expire?

All Physical Therapy licenses expire biennially on May 31st of odd-numbered years.

How long does it take to renew a Utah Physical Therapy license?

For many states, it can take 4-8 weeks to process your request, so start the process early!

Compare Physical Therapy CEUs by State

How does your state compare? Take a look at all of the state-by-state CEU requirements in this comprehensive article.

Tim Fraticelli, DPT Physical Therapist

Tim Fraticelli is a Physical Therapist, Certified Financial Planner™ and founder of PTProgress.com. He loves to teach PTs and OTs ways to save time and money in and out of the clinic, especially when it comes to documentation or continuing education. Follow him on YouTube for weekly videos on ways to improve your financial health.