What are The Best Fonts for Physical Thearpy Resumes?

best fonts for resumes

Are some fonts more believable or persuasive than others?  

It turns out that certain fonts are actually more believable than others. In a 2013 study, Errol Morris ran an experiment that tested how ‘believable’ statements were based on the fonts used to present the material.

With over 45,000 participants, the subjects were more likely to believe a statement when written in Baskerville then when it was written in fonts such as Georgia, helvetica, Trebuchet, or Comic Sans. ( Of course we all knew that Comic Sans is a horrible font to use for a resume.)

So wouldn’t it make sense to use a persuasive font when you’re writing a resume?

It’s one of the reasons why Baskerville makes the short list for fonts to use when writing a resume.

But there are some great alternatives that provide a modern, clean appearance for resumes.  

Here’s a list of the top 8 fonts for resumes:

best resume fonts

  • Calibri
  • Cambria
  • Helvetica
  • Georgia
  • Verdana
  • Garamond
  • Lato
  • Baskerville

Serif Vs San Serif

serif vs sans serif fonts

Serif or sans-serif fonts for my resume?

Serif fonts like Baskerville are easier to ready but a nice sans serif font like Helvetica looks clean and modern. It really depends on your style, if you’re going for a modern look with your resume, and how the font pairs with your overall resume design.

What Font Size Should I Use for a Resume?

Keep the text above 12 pts to avoid straining the reader’s eyes.  To break up the sections, it’s ok to use 16 or 18 point font as well as bolded text.

Sometimes using a smaller font like 10 pt is appropriate when you use it sparingly. A good example of this is when you’re including a city near the company name.

Resume Font Tips

  • Use a clean professional looking font like those mentioned above
  • Avoid using more than 2 different fonts on your resume
  • Use Bold and Italics sparingly to direct the reader’s eyes
  • Your font should compliment your resume, not be the focal point. Avoid using hard to read, crafty, or script style fonts.

Pro Resume Tip: Use Canva for Creative Inspirationcanva resume

If you’re lacking the creative inspiration for your resume, check out Canva. It’s an easy tool for anyone who wants to create professional looking designs. They even have a mini course on creating a resume that stands out. Worth checking out!

Tim Fraticelli, DPT Physical Therapist

Tim Fraticelli is a Physical Therapist, Certified Financial Planner™ and founder of PTProgress.com. He loves to teach PTs and OTs ways to save time and money in and out of the clinic, especially when it comes to documentation or continuing education. Follow him on YouTube for weekly videos on ways to improve your financial health.