North Carolina Occupational Therapy License Renewal Requirements

North Carolina occupational therapy license

If you’re an Occupational Therapist in North Carolina, you probably already know that you must periodically renew your license in order to continue your practice. The requirements for a North Carolina Occupational Therapy license renewal, including mandatory continuing education hours, are determined by the North Carolina Board of Occupational Therapy. Let’s take a look at those overall requirements.

North Carolina OT License Renewal Requirements

The Board of Occupational Therapy determines the requirements for Continuing Competency in the state of North Carolina. Technically, these are called Continuing Competency Activities (CCAs), but many other states refer to them as Continuing Education Units (CEUs). No matter what you call them, it all boils down to the number of contact hours each course, presentation, or activity is worth. 

In short, the renewal requirements for an OT license in North Carolina are as follows:

  • 15 contact hours annually
    • At least 1 hour must be from course(s) on Ethics
    • Proof of completion is required only under audit

These requirements are the same for OTs and OTAs alike.

How do I complete my North Carolina CEU requirements?

There are many ways to fulfill your 15 continuing competency requirements. Although North Carolina does stipulate at least one hour for Ethics, you’ll enjoy more flexibility for the majority of your CEUs. 

You could attend a class, webinar, or workshop, so long as the course qualifies as a CEU and you receive a certificate of completion.

An academic or professional activity may also count towards your continuing competency, such as attending a board meeting, editing a book, or participating in research. If you supervise OT students, you might be able to earn up to 12 contact hours each renewal period.

For more details on North Carolina CEU activities, check out this page from the Board’s rules.  

What kind of CEU Providers can I use?

Most OTs and OTAs complete their competency requirements through coursework. The North Carolina Board of OT pre-approves any CEUs from the following providers: American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), the North Carolina Occupational Therapy Association (NCOTA), and any providers on this list already approved by the AOTA.

You can read the full set of rules for Continuing Competency Activities and providers here.

Can I complete North Carolina OT CEUs online?

Nowadays continuing education occurs in all kinds of formats, whether as weekend workshops or virtual webinars. North Carolina’s Board of OT has no stipulations on the format of your coursework nor limits on home study. That means you could complete all of your CEUs online through streaming video courses, internet workshops, and live webinars.   

Best Online OT CEU Provider: MedBridge

MedBridge is a leading provider of online CEUs for a number of reasons, one being how easy it is to filter courses for a particular state, discipline, or topic. With a library of 1300 courses for OTs and OTAs, MedBridge offers a wide variety of CE subjects. Their course offering is available to browse even before signing up! 

As a Physical Therapist, I use MedBridge to complete my state’s CEU requirements each license renewal period. And over the years, I’ve found that the quality of these online CEUs is top-notch. Medbridge instructors represent some of the best therapy professionals in the field. Plus, the online interface makes every video presentation engaging and user-friendly.

For my full review on MedBridge Online CEUs, check out this article.

MedBridge Online CEUs for North Carolina

MedBridge will help you satisfy even your state-specific requirements. For instance, in North Carolina you must complete at least 1 contact hour on Ethics education each year. To fulfill that requirement, you could take “Ethics for Physical and Occupational Therapy Professionals” by Ron Scott. This one course counts for 2 CEUs and will cover everything you’re expected to know as a current OT practitioner. 

If you want to give MedBridge a try for your next renewal year, you can save $101 on your subscription with the promo code “PTProgress.” 

Do I need to submit proof of my completed CEUs?

Every approved CEU provider, including MedBridge, will give you a certificate of completion when you finish a CEU course or activity. The North Carolina Board does not require this document or any other proof of your CEU completion with your license renewal. 

Instead, you will simply indicate on your application whether you completed the continuing education requirement. However, it’s important that you retain records of your completed CEUs for at least 2 years after the renewal period is complete. Be sure to store these documents safely in case you are selected by the board for a continuing competency audit.

When does a North Carolina OT license expire?

Your OT license is valid for one year, and all licenses expire annually on June 30th.

How do I renew my North Caroline Occupational Therapy license?

You may apply for your license renewal online through this portal.

How much is the renewal fee for a North Carolina OT license?

OTs and OTAs pay $50 to renew their licenses each renewal period. 

North Carolina OT License Renewal Requirements

For more information on renewing your OT license in North Carolina, contact the North Carolina Board of Occupational Therapy.

Tim Fraticelli, DPT Physical Therapist

Tim Fraticelli is a Physical Therapist, Certified Financial Planner™ and founder of He loves to teach PTs and OTs ways to save time and money in and out of the clinic, especially when it comes to documentation or continuing education. Follow him on YouTube for weekly videos on ways to improve your financial health.