Physical Therapy Blog Post Ideas

physical therapy blog

Thinking about starting a physical therapy blog? Looking for content ideas for your clinic website?  In this article, we’ll take a look at physical therapy blog content ideas that will help increase traffic to your website and maybe even your clinic. 

If you don’t have a blog yet, I’d recommend you start here: How to Start a Blog.

But if you already have a website and you’re trying to come up with content ideas, here are a few ideas you can use to boost traffic to your clinic website.

How to Come Up With Physical Therapy Blog Articles

1. Focus on Reader Questions

The biggest problem I see with clinics and individuals who want to start blogging about physical therapy (or any field for that matter) is that they don’t focus on answering the reader’s questions.  People are typing in questions and looking for answers. They’re looking for reviews, suggestions, recommendations, and if you don’t take a few minutes to think about how your content can answer their questions, you’re wasting your time.

Think about how many questions you hear throughout the day in the clinic.  

  • Does my insurance cover physical therapy?
  • How long are physical therapy sessions?
  • What exercises should I avoid after knee surgery?
  • Is it OK to use a treadmill after a knee replacement?

Start collecting questions as you hear them throughout the day.  During your down time, take a few minutes to type out an answer, as though you were responding to a patient asking this question via email.  You’d be surprised with how much easier it is to produce blog content when you approach it this way.

2. Break down big topics into smaller pieces/questions

I’m all about writing ‘ultimate guides’ and long form blog posts. But writing a 500 word article versus a 5,000 word article is a lot easier to knock out in an afternoon.  

Let’s say you want to write about your clinic’s balance program. Great! Do you write an article titled “How to Improve Your Balance”. Sure, you can. But I think you’d find it a lot more practical to get specific.  Here are a few ideas:

  • 5 Balance Exercises to do After a Knee Replacement
  • How to perform the Epley maneuver at home
  • Why does my balance feel off at night?

3. Include a Call to Action

This is especially true for clinics that are trying to write content for their blog. With every article you write, think about ways to move the reader to further action. Maybe the call to action is to read a related article or download a guide.  Your article highlighting the ‘Best physical therapy clinics in Chicago’ may end by encouraging the reader to consider calling your clinic to setup an appointment.  The point is to think about where you want the reader to go once they’ve read your content.

10 Physical Therapy Blog Article Ideas

Sometimes coming up with article ideas is the most difficult part. If you’re still feeling stuck after reading through the recommendations above, here are 10 physical therapy blog post ideas that you can use to jumpstart your clinic blog:

  • What to Expect After a Knee Replacement
  • 3 Hamstring Stretches for Runners
  • How many days should I rest before running?
  • Does physical therapy hurt?
  • 3 Plantar Fasciitis Stretches You Should Know
  • Is it safe to crack my neck when I have neck pain?
  • What kind of shoe inserts should I wear for heel pain?
  • Top physical therapy clinics in (city). 
  • How to find the best physical therapist in (city)
  • What is pelvic health physical therapy?

As you can see, a lot of these ideas are questions, which usually makes it easier to write if you think of it like you’re writing an email. 

The same strategy can be used for producing YouTube content as well. 

I’d encourage you to take a look at the PTProgress YouTube channel and subscribe to see new videos that could provide you even more inspiration on content ideas for your clinic. 

Tim Fraticelli, DPT Physical Therapist

Tim Fraticelli is a Physical Therapist, Certified Financial Planner™ and founder of He loves to teach PTs and OTs ways to save time and money in and out of the clinic, especially when it comes to documentation or continuing education. Follow him on YouTube for weekly videos on ways to improve your financial health.

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