Non Clinical Physical Therapy Job Ideas

non clinical physical therapy jobs

If you’ve thought: I don’t want to be a physical therapist anymore, read this article.  Here are the top non-clinical jobs for Physical Therapists.

I want you to know that it’s OK that you’re thinking about non clinical jobs for PTs.  You’re not the first PT to say, “I don’t want to be a Physical Therapist anymore.”  It doesn’t matter if you’re a new grad PT, have 20 years of experience or if you’re into your first year of PT school.  You should not feel guilty about changing careers.

The expectations you had for your Physical Therapy career just aren’t being met.  It doesn’t make you a bad PT, nor should you feel like you’re a failure.  

Realize this: you’ve put in a lot of hard work to get where you are.  You should be proud of what you’ve accomplished.

But if you’re experiencing PT burnout or realize that you’re ready to move on to a different career, this article is for you.

A lot of PTs seek alternative careers for many different reasons:

  • Lack of upward growth opportunities
  • Financial limitations: low PT Salary
  • Stressful work environments and high patient loads
  • Excessive mental stress and physical fatigue
  • Back, shoulder, and hand injuries

Identifying the reasons you want to make a change is important.  Your next job may still be stressful, but if upward growth is what you’re wanting, don’t take on a career that has limited opportunities.  


Alternative Jobs for Physical Therapists


I don’t just mean Physical Therapy education. For the majority of PTs with a MSPT or DPT, you meet the educational requirements for transitioning into the field of education.  Some states will require a teaching certificate for certain levels of education.  Even so, look for opportunities at a local community college or university.  

If teaching doesn’t get you excited, still look at universities or community colleges for administrative or business development type roles.  


Ok, half of you will gloss over this suggestion, but don’t overlook the opportunities you have in sales.  You are already in sales as a PT, convincing your patients to continue with their treatments and progressing them through their exercises.  Before I was a PT, I worked in a sales environment and would say that a Physical Therapist who can manage to hold a conversation with a patient can hold a conversation with a prospective customer.

Medical sales are usually the first idea that comes to mind for the PT who wants to explore other careers.  But I’ve known PTs who have jumped into financial sales, insurance, and even technology/software sales.  

Bloggingmake money blogging

This is probably my favorite option because I’ve been making money blogging for the last 8 years. (I’ve earned over $187,000 since I started blogging in 2010)  I’ve written a huge article about making money blogging, so I’ll just direct you there.

State Government

Jump on your state or local municipality’s website and explore the career options. This could be a great way to diversify your resume and land a job that gives you a complete change in pace.

Marketing Agency

I’m tired of hearing PTs say they’re not creative.  Every day you are coming up with creative ideas for treatments on the fly and then have to sell your patients on doing it.  You are in marketing already and if you’re curious to explore the a creative career, check out jobs in marketing.  You may start a bit lower in salary (45-55k) but opportunities to grow in a creative career are endless in this field.

Human Resources

Do you enjoy working with people, but just don’t like the clinic environment anymore?  Start searching for jobs as a HR Generalist.  With many alternative career options, you might start a bit lower in salary, but the skills of a HR professional can translate in to multiple fields and progress you upward in the HR department.

Business Development

Again, this is for the PT who still enjoys working with people, but needs a change in the environment.  You may find opportunities at hospitals, clinic groups, insurance agencies, advertising agencies, or even local manufacturing and distributors.  Promote yourself as someone who can connect with others very quickly and highlight your skills as consultant.  Afterall, your work as a clinician involved presenting new ideas to people and solving problems.  That’s the basis of business development.

Health Writer

Let’s step back and talk about a job that still helps a lot of people, but doesn’t involve working directly with a lot of different people every day.  As a health writer or freelance writer, you can use your knowledge of the medical field and craft articles for companies who need someone with your skillset and expertise.  I like this option because it’s something you can start now.  Search for ‘health writing jobs’ as a start.


With an advanced health degree and experience as a Physical Therapist, you are qualified to bring solutions to workplaces as a health consultant.  This may take a bit more preparation, but if you’re serious about a change in career, consider this as an option.  I’ll write more about my journey to build my health and wellness consulting practice in a future article.

If you’re curious about other online jobs you might be able to do as a Physical Therapist, take a look at this article by my friend Kelan. He lists over 35 online jobs that anyone can do.

If you still enjoy your job, but really just need higher pay, check out the article: Physical Therapist Salary Guide – How to Negotiate A Higher PT Salary. 

Tim Fraticelli, DPT Physical Therapist

Tim Fraticelli is a Physical Therapist, Certified Financial Planner™ and founder of He loves to teach PTs and OTs ways to save time and money in and out of the clinic, especially when it comes to documentation or continuing education. Follow him on YouTube for weekly videos on ways to improve your financial health.

7 thoughts on “Non Clinical Physical Therapy Job Ideas”

    • Hi Tammy, I’m just discovering this article and thread and was wondering whether you found a position? I have 20 years and would really love something that will use the degree but I don’t have to pt care on a daily basis.

  1. Looking to continue something in my physical therapy career that doesnt require all the documentation with number crunching. I have a masters degree in PT and graduated from PT school in December 1997 (almost 23 years ago) Please help as I need to continue to earn a good salary to plan for retirement

    • Did you ever decide to get out of PT? If yes, Just wondering what career path you went down & if you enjoy it?


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